Wednesday 21 November 2012

Staying positive

As a NanoWrimo, I sometimes see posts where my forum friends stress themselves out over Thanksgiving in America. When that I see that happening, I am thankful that Canadian thanksgiving was last month. (Then I feel bad for that, since it would be like seeing someone fall off a cliff, then I drop a boulder after them.)

Everyone has their own set of problems, whether they are writers, students, people with/without jobs (or a combination of the above), and it is often hard to stay positive when you are stressing about deadlines. (Yes, even J. K. Rowling and Stephen King has their own set of problems. They might be different problems from the us, but they still have problems.)

Since university exams are coming up, due dates for papers are coming up, the end of NaNo is in sight and my story isn't finished yet, I just want to huddle under my blankets, shut my eyes and hibernate until everything is over. 

When that happens, I make a list of all my problems and looking at it with a positive light. (Then I paste it on the wall next to my computer and stare at it every once in a while.)
  • University exams? I'm thankful for the privilege of a university education.
  • Homesickness? I'm thankful that I could concentrate on NaNo without feeding the cat and letting the dishes pile up by the sink. I'm thankful that I could see them again once this semester is over. I'm thankful that they are thoughtful; they don't call me because they want me to concentrate on my studies (and my novel).
  • That paper that is due very, very soon? I'm glad I could get primary resources at the university library. 
  • Not having yarn to make presents? If I didn't know how to crochet, I wouldn't need yarn in the first place. I'm thankful that I had the opportunity to learn how to crochet and that I found projects that I am interesting in.
  • Story not finished yet? My muse is still around, I'm thankful that the main character didn't barge into my shower and shout plot points this time around.
  • Fat, heavy plot bunny crawling into my lap? Hey, maybe it'll stick around once November ends.
  • NaNoWriMo deadline coming up? I'm thankful for the online community that encourages and keeps on encouraging. I'm thankful that my body can take the late nights, the endless typing, and the homesickness.
  • I'm glad that I have the resources to write a book, the imagination that gives me plots and characters, and the people (online and offline) that support me. 
  • I'm thankful that I know that my novel isn't ready for an agent yet. If I submitted a bad query/manuscript, wouldn't that destroy my reputation?
What are you thankful about?

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